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How do you want your patients to feel when they enter your surgery?

A typical colour for a dental practice is blue, however according to psychcentral.com, “grey and blue are often considered depressive colours that may contribute to feelings of low mood.”[1]


Anxiety UK reported that 53% of UK patients have anxiety or fear relating to a dentist visit[2].

A relaxing and colourful dental surgery can help.

Explore the colour wheel below to find out the associations commonly made with different colours3.

Brown: Comfort, resilience, security

Black: Strength, seriousness, negativity

Grey: Comfort, maturity, calmness

White: Calmness, comfort, hope

Pink: Love, innocence, optimism

Purple: Relaxation, imagination, calmness 

FSP Challenger Colour Wheel

Red: Love, passion, anger

Orange: Excitement, pleasure, abundance

Yellow: Joy, happiness, communication

Green: Balance, serenity, joy

Blue: Calmness, serenity, peace 

Are you ready to give your practice a fresh new look and feel?

With a full surgery package, you can revamp your entire surgery room in one easy purchase. Receive a 3D rendered visual of your new surgery and take the opportunity to refresh the look and feel of your practice.

HSD.8700 - Orange
HSD.8700 - Purple
HSD.8700 - Brown
HSD.8700 - Blue

“The finished surgery exceeds all our expectations, blending functionality with aesthetics in a way that enhances our ability to serve our patients. The positive feedback we've received from patients and staff alike is a direct reflection of the hard work, talent, and dedication of the team.”

Ketul Bagia and Oscar Moreno Piaget, Gedling Dental

Watch the full process